Culture Map

Quick Summary

"The Culture Map" by Erin Meyer is a guide for navigating the complexities of international business communication and collaboration. It outlines how cultural differences impact work interactions and offers strategies for effectively managing cross-cultural challenges.

Key takeaways:

1) Communication styles vary widely across cultures, affecting directness and indirectness in feedback and discussions.

2) The concept of leadership differs globally, influencing hierarchical versus egalitarian views.

3) Decision-making processes are culturally dependent, ranging from consensual to top-down approaches.

4) Trust building varies, with some cultures focusing on task-based relationships and others on personal connections.

5) The perception of time and punctuality can significantly differ, impacting scheduling and deadlines. Meyer’s framework helps professionals bridge cultural gaps, enhancing global business effectiveness.

Erin breaks the book into 8 key areas and discusses how each culture is different yet relative to the other.

In the image below, Russians and Israeli’s have similar communications styles but have a very different leadership style. Russians being Hierarchical and Israelis being very Egalitarian.

A simple example in the ‘Communication & Context’ given is how Americans (and most Anglo-saxon based cultures) are great at giving detailed positive feedback, but broad negative feedback, but relative to the Dutch who give broad positive feedback and detailed negative feedback, not as an insult but just by nature of their direct communication style.


It’s a good, practical and enjoyable read. You will only benefit from this book given the global business world we now work in!


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